When you enter the amount of food intake and exercise, you can guess how the body weight changes in this page.
     However, since it is based on some simple formula, but do not guarantee its accuracy.

     Red square, please be sure to enter. Blue portion enclosed, please enter as necessary.

Age in years   in years
Height   ft in   ( inches)
Weight   pounds
Intensity of daily activity  


your BMI (Body mass index)
Basal metabolic rate:  kcal
Energy requirements:  kcal
  the amount of meal (Energy requirements) more exactly.

       days before, my body weight was lbs.

  Considering the above, your calorie intake is kcal now...maybe.

   To adjust the body weight
Please input Your "Weight adjust method" Here !
Daily calorie target  kcal
 METs(Metabolic Equivalent of Task)
 days a week ( 0-7 days)
If you try to get your weight off by above conditions, your body weight changes to
(Please refresh this page if pushing this "start" button twice or more.)

 Enter any number of days in blue box
compared to
"the start"
30 lbs lbs
60 lbs lbs
90 lbs lbs
120 lbs lbs
150 lbs
180 lbs

A graph will be drawn above.

     Japanese distribution range of height or weight is small compared to Europeans and Americans.
     Measure of the amount of basal metabolism per kilogram of body weight has been shown by sex and
     age for this purpose, the change in body weight as shown is small compared with the theoretical formula used in this page.

     Since I have created a page for showing the change in body weight similar Japanese When you enter the condition,
     please see if there is if you're interested, but written in Japanese, not using feet/inch and pound units,using the units of
     kilograms and centimeters.(Body Weight Simulator in Japanese)

     This page has the part created by automatic translation, it is due to update suitably.

                                                              A Japanese physician, Tomokazu Yoshikuni